Mountain State School of Massage

10130-a Colvin Run Rd, Great Falls, VA

Located in Charleston, Mountain State School of Massage is an institution that offers massage therapy training for individuals. The school offers a massage therapy program which provides students with all the skills and abilities required to begin their career. The school has a yearly graduation rate of 77%. A school's graduation rate is one of several indicators to measure post-graduation success among students. Mountain State School of Massage offers flexible scheduling for those with irregular schedules.

Students are asked to look up state licensing requirements to determine whether programs meet established standards. The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation has accredited the education provided by Mountain State School of Massage for over nine years. For information and consumer disclosures, please check out school's website.

Programs Offered

The programs listed below are some of the programs offered by Mountain State School of Massage. The list may differ from current programs, for a complete list of what programs are offered students should visit the school's website.

Get more information about the programs offered by Mountain State School of Massage by clicking the request information to the right.

Massage therapy program takes ,as reported, eight months to complete.

Program Details:

  • Estimated tuition cost of this program is $12,000*
  • Estimated cost of required books and supplies are around $950*
  • Last year, more than 20 students completed this program
  • The massage therapy program takes about 8 months to complete

Find out more massage therapy programs through our massage therapy schools profile page, which includes listings and career descriptions as well.

*The posted costs for tuition, fees and supplies are determined through historical data and may not represent current costs.
**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimated to provide a comparative context. For more detailed information individuals are asked to contact the school.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The average annual "out of pocket" cost of attendance, after any grants and scholarships are considered, is around $20,500. To calculate a more personalized cost visit the net price calculator. There is also a $25 application fee for students applying to the school. The school's financial aid department offers additional information regarding types of aid, how to apply and more. Students may contact the school by calling (304) 926-8822. The financial details shown on this page are an approximation. The actual costs may differ, please contact Mountain State School of Massage for more information.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid91%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships91%$3,409
Receiving Student Loans91%$6,852

Other Massage Schools

The list of massage schools below offer programs similar to Mountain State School of Massage. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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