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Percent of Full-Time Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid

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Math Degree

The math degree program at Citrus College is a general degree program that prepares students for instruction on the analysis of quantities, magnitudes, forms, and their relationships using symbolic logic and language. Students who graduate from the math degree program may pursue careers as budget analysts, mathematicians, market researchers, accounting, investment securities, and more. Courses include algebra, calculus, functional analysis, geometry, number theory, logic, topology and other mathematical specializations. Get more details below including other California colleges that offer math degrees.

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Citrus College (CDSP)

2451 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA


Citrus College, located in Glendora, California, was founded in 1915 and is the oldest public community college in Los Angeles County. The school is a public two year institution offering technical and academic educations. The Citrus Community College district is comprised of the cities of Glendora, Charter Oak, Duarte, Azusa, Monrovia and Claremont, which together are the service area for Citrus College. Citrus College enrolls over 12,000 students a year and has one of the highest rates of transfer to four year institutions in the region. Citrus College is currently undergoing an expansion of its facilities as part of its continued goal of maintaining educational excellence for its students.


Citrus College offers degree and certificate programs in a large number of fields to fit the needs of its service community. Certificate programs are generally short term programs that provide training for specific, typically high demand, fields. Technical programs are also career oriented, but are also comprised of general education requirements that result in the awarding of an associate degree. Both technical and certificate programs prepare students for work after graduation, having developed the skills necessary to perform required tasks at the entry level. Academic programs generally fulfill the first two years of a four year education and allow for transfer to four year colleges or universities after graduation to pursue a bachelor's degree.

Programs offered include:

Admissions and Financial Aid

Students who are high school graduates or have a GED,  are eighteen years of age and can demonstrate that an education will prove beneficial, high school students in their junior or senior year and international students with a student visa are all eligible to attend Citrus College. There is no application fee and the application must be submitted electronically, resulting in an admissions email. Due to the large number of students in attendance some classes may be filled when enrollment begins and a wait list system is available online allowing students to register late if someone leaves the class. Financial aid is available through loans, grants, scholarships, and work study programs. Individuals must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility and awards. Additional information and assistance may be obtained through Citrus College's financial aid office or through the resources provided through the school's website.


The Citrus College Fighting Owls participate in a number of sports the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) through the Western State Conference. Intercollegiate sports offer students the opportunity to develop useful skills that can be applied toward studies and careers. These skills include teamwork, discipline, maintaining good mental and physical health, and socializing.

Athletic programs offered include:

  • Baseball
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Golf
  • Soccer
  • Water Polo
  • Swimming
  • Softball
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball

Clubs and Organizations

Citrus College supports a number of clubs that allow students to share interests and meet like-minded individuals. Some clubs focus in a specific academic topic, while others focus more on interests and extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in clubs and organizations, as they allow for the development of social skills and create a network of individuals who share interests and ideas. Others may choose to take on leadership roles, putting together events and guiding the direction of the club. Students who wish to form a club due to the lack of active clubs that encompass their interests may form their own through an established process that is available online.

Clubs and organizations at Citrus College include:

  • Anime Connection
  • Fem-Sex
  • Citrus Chess Club
  • Psychology Club
  • Gamers' Guild

Students Enrolled in the Math Program

Get more details below regarding enrollment, academics, and school demographics. Citrus College offers an associate's degree program in math.

Students by Gender (2019)


Students by Race (2019)

Multiple Races2
Non Resident Alien8

Source: IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

Career Options for Graduates

Upon completion of the Math program at CDSP, most students have pursued careers in the following fields:

Natural Sciences Managers


Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, and research and development in these fields.

Career Outlook & Projections ()

According to the BLS, natural sciences managers employment is expected to grow at a rate of 3.3% from 2014 to 2024

Salary & Wages

  • Oakland-Hayward-Berkeley, CA Metropolitan Division
    • Average Hourly Rate: $74.96
    • Average Annual Salary: $155910
  • San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division
    • Total Employment: 1
    • Average Hourly Rate: $96.35
    • Average Annual Salary: $200400



Conduct research in fundamental mathematics or in application of mathematical techniques to science, management, and other fields. Solve problems in various fields using mathematical methods.

Career Outlook & Projections ()

According to the BLS, mathematicians employment is expected to grow at a rate of 21.4% from 2014 to 2024

Salary & Wages

    • San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division
      • Total Employment: 180
      • Average Hourly Rate: $60.03
      • Average Annual Salary: $124870



    Develop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret, and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as bio-statistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics. Includes mathematical and survey statisticians.

    Career Outlook & Projections ()

    According to the BLS, statisticians employment is expected to grow at a rate of 33.8% from 2014 to 2024

    Salary & Wages

    • Oakland-Hayward-Berkeley, CA Metropolitan Division
      • Total Employment: 200
      • Average Hourly Rate: $43.19
      • Average Annual Salary: $89830
    • San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco, CA Metropolitan Division
      • Total Employment: 550
      • Average Hourly Rate: $57.43
      • Average Annual Salary: $119460

    Mathematical Science Occupations, All Other


    All mathematical scientists not listed separately.

    Source: Job descriptions, estimated salary and wages, and projected job growth are taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

    Admission Requirements & Details

    The information regarding admissions below may give you an idea of the students Citrus College accepts. The details may include application requirements and recommendations, as well as any college or dual credits that may be transferred.

    College Credits Accepted

    • Dual Credits
    • AP Course Credits
    accrediation - SELECT Campus_Name, Campus_IPEDS_UnitID, Agency_Name,clean_program_name as Program_Name,Accreditation_Type,Accreditation_Status,Accreditation_Date_Type,Periods,cipcode,entity_id FROM `college_accreditations_2015` ca left join `college_accreditations_program_names` capn on capn.program_name = ca.Program_Name WHERE `entity_id` = '112172' AND `Last Action` = ''

    Academics & Student Services

    Student Services

    To help students and recent graduates, Citrus College may offer student services like those listed below:

    • Online course work available
    • Remedial courses
    • Counseling assistance
    • Work study style employment
    • Assistance to find work

    Intercollegiate Athletics

    CDSP is a Member of National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), with many of the sports belonging to the CCCAA classification. The most popular sports played are listed below:

    • Baseball
    • Basketball
    • Football
    • Golf
    • Soccer
    • Softball
    • Swimming
    • Track and Field, X-Country
    • Volleyball
    • Water Polo