Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture – Fort Collins (Cheeks)

1543 18th Street, Spirit Lake, IA

Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture - Fort Collins provides a career oriented education in the beauty industry. The school is located in Fort Collins, CO, which is in a predominantly metropolitan area. The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences has accredited the instruction & training provided by Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture - Fort Collins for over 25 straight years.

This school offers a comprehensive cosmetology program that prepares individuals get started in the beauty industry as licensed professionals. In addition, this school also provides a barbering program, which provides training in cutting and grooming hair for boys and men, a nail technology program, which offers education in nail artistry and care, and an esthetics program, for individuals who want to specialize in skin care and treatments.

Nearly eighty-eight students completed programs at Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture - Fort Collins over the last couple of years, with about 64% of those who start the program continue on to graduate. The estimated average default rate of individuals taking student loans over the reported last three years was around 14%.

Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture - Fort Collins offers student services including help with finding job options for students and career assistance for students starting their a career in cosmetology. State licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students look into getting a license in cosmetology. Get even more information by visiting the school's official website, where you can learn about program details, financial aid & tuition, and disclosures.

Programs Offered

Below is a listing of the programs that may be offered at Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture – Fort Collins. Actual programs may differ from the list below, to get an official list of programs offered please visit the school's website or by phone at (712) 336-0512.

The cosmetology program takes about thirteen months for most students to complete.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $17,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $2,100*
  • 14 students completed the cosmetology program last year
  • Takes about 13 months to complete

Learn more about cosmetology programs by taking a look at our cosmetology schools profile page, which also includes career information.

The hair styling program takes about ten months for most students to complete.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $14,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $1,100*
  • Takes about 10 months to complete

The esthetician program offered on average takes about five months to complete and may fulfill course requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $8,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $800*
  • 11 students completed the esthetician program last year
  • Takes about 5 months to complete

Find out more esthetician programs by taking a look at our esthetician schools profile page, which includes lists on other schools offering this program.

*The posted costs for tuition, fees and supplies are determined through historical data and may not represent current costs.

**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimated to provide a comparative context. For more detailed information individuals are asked to contact the school.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The overall cost students will pay at Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture – Fort Collins is approximately $8,600 after scholarships, grants and other forms of aid are taken into consideration. To calculate a more personalized cost check out their cost calculator here. There may be an application fee required, please check with Cheeks for more information. Financial aid information may be obtained by contacting the financial aid office at (970) 226-1416. Any tuition and financial aid figures listed provide an outline of costs at Cheeks, however they may not accurately represent current costs, fees, or tuition. Please check with Cheeks for more information.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid88%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships88%$4,955
Receiving Student Loans79%$5,481

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture – Fort Collins. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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