Riverside Hairstyling Academy

Also known as Riverside Hair Academy

8206 Philips Hwy. Suite 33, Jacksonville, FL

Students interested in a career in cosmetology and beauty may get an education through Riverside Hairstyling Academy, which is located in a metropolitan area of Jacksonville, Florida. The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences has accredited the instruction & training provided by Riverside Hairstyling Academy for over thirty-nine straight years. Riverside Hairstyling Academy has an in-depth cosmetology program that prepares students for entry into the beauty industry as licensed, qualified and skillful professionals.

Over the last several years about 160 students have completed programs at Riverside Hairstyling Academy, with students graduating with a rate of about 64%. The estimated average default rate of student loans over the last three reported years was 7.2%.

RHA offers student services including job placement opportunities for individuals looking for work and cosmetology career pathway counseling to help students. City and state licensing procedures may vary, and as such it is suggested students look into getting a license in cosmetology. Students can learn more about Riverside Hairstyling Academy, including consumer disclosures, by visiting the school today.

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