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Philosophy Degree Overview

A degree in philosophy prepares individuals with a variety of skills that are applicable in research as well as a daily work environment. Philosophy is the love of wisdom; it is the study of the pursuit of knowledge. Philosophers undertake the challenge to identify and answer life's most difficult questions through analytical assessment and argument. A philosophy student learns to apply the understanding and reasoning in proposing ideas, communicating thought, and applying reason.  Degrees in philosophy can be obtained from the associate level to the doctoral, though the most common degree pursued is a bachelor's.

Skills obtained through philosophical analysis include:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Analyses
  • Argument and Rhetoric
  • Information Management
  • Research

Career Summary







Degree Median Salary vs Adjacent Degree Types

Source: BLS, US Census, and IPEDS

2025 Best Philosophy Degree

Harvard University offers a concentration in Philosophy with introductory courses that are designed to introduce students to the topic of the course and the skills of reading philosophical texts and writing philosophy papers. They also offer a top rated graduate degree in Philosophy which offer students the opportunity to work and to develop their ideas in a stimulating and supportive community. They maintain small class sizes to foster a sense of community among their doctoral students and to make sure that they have substantial access to and interaction with their faculty colleagues. The Department guarantees to provide many opportunities for students to explore a range of interests and to contribute to the social life of the community. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Princeton University offers an undergraduate and graduate program in Philosophy. Students who take the undergraduate degree Philosophy enjoy small class sizes and aside from having the opportunity to do independent work in close consultation with members of twenty-excellent faculty, they also have the benefit of teaching assistants drawn from one of the world’s very best graduate programs in philosophy. Moreover, those who qualify to take the top ranked graduate degree in Philosophy feel grateful for the effective preparation and training that they received. The program provided them with broad general training, experience in undergraduate teaching and an opportunity for specialized research in the major areas of philosophic inquiry. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Yale University is currently offering an undergraduate and graduate program in the Philosophy Department. The Philosophy major is designed to prepare students to reflect creatively and critically on questions that concern the nature of things and limits of human understanding. While the graduate degree provides a wide range of courses in various traditions of philosophy that have well-established reputation in the history of ethics, epistemology, philosophy, metaphysics and other central topics. The Department of Philosophy also offers combined programs with the Psychology and Classics Departments. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


A PhD degree in Philosophy can be taken at Columbia University in the City of New York. Earning this degree will make one an independent scholar and a teacher of the subject. The coursework in this program serves as a preparation nit just for writing dissertations but also for teaching. As part of the doctoral training for the PhD students, they are required to assist in the teaching of undergraduate courses. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Brown University proudly offers an undergraduate academic concentration in philosophy that offer courses covering all of the main areas of the discipline. This program develops students who can think and analytically and creatively about philosophical texts and issues. Students will become familiar with approaches and arguments in epistemology and metaphysics. They will be taught how to carry out logical proofs and derivations within a formal system. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The University of Pennsylvania offers a BA in Philosophy with a concentration in Philosophy and Science.  This concentration blends courses in philosophy with courses in one or more scientific disciplines. It aims to illuminate fundamental aspects of the world, and of our own nature as rational, purposive, and social beings. They also offer emphasis on General Philosophy Concentration which requires a balanced selection of coursework from practical and theoretical philosophy. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Massachusetts Institute of Technology is offering a traditional undergraduate philosophy major. This major is designed to provide familiarity both with the history and current status of the main problems in metaphysics, ethics and epistemology. They also offer a minor in Philosophy which requires students to complete six philosophy subjects. Additionally, they also offer a concentration in Philosophy that includes ethics, logic, as well as the philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of religion, philosophy of history, and philosophy of science. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


University of Chicago offers an undergraduate Philosophy major that acquires a number of specialized forms of expertise structured to enable students to engage in a sustained fashion with the central issues in contemporary academic philosophy. Undergraduate major strives to acquire the ability to grapple with and master the views and arguments set forth in the difficult philosophical texts. It also put effort to learn how to probe philosophical views and arguments through the deployment of constructive objections to them. Additionally, an MA degree in Philosophy is also available here and admission requirements can be seen here. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The undergraduate degree in Philosophy at Stanford University trains students to think clearly and critically about the deepest and broadest questions that concerns knowledge, being, value and their connections to the full range of human interests and activities. It is designed to present students with the perspectives of the past thinkers and introduce them to a variety of methods of reasoning as well as in judgment formation. They also offer a graduate degree in Philosophy, which is by any measure is considered as among the world’s best. This program attracts excellent students and provides them with ample access to leading scholars for advice and instruction. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Dartmouth College offers a major and minor in Philosophy. In both programs, students learn how to follow complex lines of reasoning, weigh evidence, make objections, offer creative answers to philosophical questions, and provide other solutions to philosophical problems. Majors in Philosophy will become knowledgeable about the main historical and contemporary areas, concepts, techniques, authors, methodologies, and problems of philosophy. Philosophy majors tend to pursue careers in many areas, such as in medicine, the arts, in law, finance, and academia. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The undergraduate degree in Philosophy at Duke University familiarizes students with the content and the structure of philosophical theory in different areas and with the history of philosophy. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of philosophy, the majority of their majors also major in another discipline. They also offer a Graduate degree in Philosophy. Many of the nation’s most talented graduate students are attracted in this Department’s vibrant philosophical culture, outstanding reputation of the faculty and a broad range of areas of philosophy. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Since Bowdoin College knows that Philosophy has traditionally been regarded as an essential opponent of a liberal arts education, they offered different courses in Philosophy. Courses that deal with fundamental questions with regard to the ultimate nature of reality, human’s relations with one another, and our place in the world. One of the courses available is the Race, Society, and Identity Politics which examines the sociopolitical role of race in society. To see the complete list of the courses in Philosophy that is currently offered you may visit the school portal. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Majors in Philosophy at Amherst College acquired a broad understanding of the work of major figures in the history of philosophy. The program helped them develop a deeper and a detailed understanding of a major historical figure or movement. The preparation and training they have received made them become conversant with essential questions and ideas in the core areas of philosophy. Students were also privileged to be engaged intensively with cutting-edge philosophical investigations. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The top rated Philosophy degree program offered at California Institute of Technology provides students with a broad education in philosophy which is designed to complement the scientific curriculum that they possess. Majors can expect to learn about some of the major figures and movements in the history of philosophy. The program also guarantees to teach students about contemporary philosophical debates. It aims to instill to students the new perspectives in the material they learn in their science courses and help them be capable of bringing their technical skills and scientific learning to traditional problems in philosophy. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Students can explore the most fundamental questions in life with precision, clarity and logical rigor through Pomona College’s degree in Philosophy. Majors investigate questions that concern the human condition which have been debated since the beginning of civilization. They will consider philosophical issues that arise in the high-tech, globally interconnected world. This training will be an asset to a student's future career and enrich their personal life. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


The Philosophy Department at Swarthmore College is offering several kinds of courses that are all designed to engage students in philosophical practices. They have Ancient Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Nineteenth Century Philosophy, Existentialism, and Contemporary Philosophy, courses that introduce students to the major systematic works of the history of Western philosophy. They also have Theory of Knowledge, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics, Logic, Metaphysics, and Social and Political Philosophy. Additionally, there are also some courses and seminars provided that are concerned with the conceptual foundations of different other disciplines. Lastly are the Values and Ethics in Science and Technology, Post-Modernism, and Feminist Theory which is about meaning, freedom and value in various domains in contemporary life. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Cornell University offers a major and minor in Philosophy. Those admitted to the major will select or are assigned a faculty member as their academic advisor who will help them in planning an appropriate curriculum in the major. While admission to the minor subject in Philosophy is based on a student’s work in philosophy, this program is designed for those who want to formally pursue focused studies in philosophy and receive recognition for this work. They also have a graduate degree in Philosophy that can be completed in five years. Those who are admitted in this program are guaranteed full financial support for five years and can also be funded for sixth year. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


The philosophy major at Northwestern University aims to provide students with a grounding in basic skills and background in philosophy. At the same time, they also put effort to leave a leeway for students to pursue themes or periods of particular interest to them. A minor in philosophy is also available. This minor subject requires students to be well-grounded in the history of philosophy, covering the major texts of both ethical and political theory as well as the major texts of metaphysics and epistemology. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Due to the richness and continuing importance of the history of philosophy, Williams College’s Philosophy Major is designed to give majors historical background which acquaints them with a wide variety of approaches to philosophical issues. They structured this program to provide a basis for evaluating and contributing to contemporary debates. Majors will then develop the capacity to formulate ideas precisely and clearly not just in writing but also orally with special sensitivity to their argumentative structure. The program will teach them how to analyze critically the arguments identified with a sensitivity to their form and content. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


The Philosophy majors offered at the University of Notre Dame benefit from the wide range of small, discussion-based seminars available on topics that range from ethics to the philosophy of science to feminism and to the history of philosophy. This major is organized in a core of three classes: Ancient & Medieval Philosophy, Formal Logic, and Modern Philosophy. These courses are proven to give students a grounding in the history of philosophy and give them the logical tools required to be able to think about and assess philosophical arguments. It also consists of five other seminars which a student can choose based on his/her personal interests. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


When you take and complete the BA degree in Philosophy at Rice University, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the general historical development of philosophy. You can also expect to develop an in-depth understanding of at least one historical period. This program also helps their students to be able to show the ability to read philosophical texts critically with deep understanding of the problems and contexts. Graduates of this program develop the ability to communicate clearly and logically their personal views on a range of significant philosophical problems. Additionally, they also offer a PhD in Philosophy which is designed to train students in proposing, evaluating and defending original views in at least one of the main areas of philosophy. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Georgetown University is offering an undergraduate degree in Philosophy. The long-term objective of this program is to develop liberally educated women and men that possess basic cultural literacy and are capable of logical and articulate reflection on the fundamental problems of human existence. This program trains their students to become someone who can take his/her place as a citizen that is capable of critically evaluating arguments which bear on public affairs. As a Catholic University, they instill to their students the importance of learning to think in depth about the problems posed by a life of faith. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


The Department of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University gives emphasis to philosophers and movements which have had significant, forming effects in Western culture. It offers a wide range of courses that relates to philosophy in various dimensions of human concern. They also offer a PhD in Philosophy where students must complete at least 47 hours of coursework aside from satisfying other requirements. This PhD program gives full stipend, health insurance, and tuition waiver for five years to those who are admitted to the program. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


The Philosophy courses that are available at Washington University in St Louis is generously providing opportunities to gain deeper knowledge of the history of philosophy. Students are allowed to study the interface between philosophy and other disciplines. Students enjoy examining the methods of inquiry and underlying conceptual frameworks of scientific work itself. The Philosophy Department also hosts two PhD programs: a program in Philosophy and a special interdisciplinary program in Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Johns Hopkins University is offering an undergraduate degree in Philosophy. This program imparts broad understanding of the work of major figures in the history of philosophy both ancient and modern. Students in this program acquire familiarity with the most important topics in a range of areas which are typically regarded as lying at the center of contemporary philosophical thought. And since 1876, they have been known as a center for research and doctoral education, and until today, they still proudly offer a graduate degree in Philosophy

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Best Philosophy Degree

For students considering a degree in philosophy, it is vital to your success to understand your degree options.  When searching for a degree in philosophy, take the time to create a personal priority list.  A priority list with your objectives and career goals is far better than some media publication pushing a rakings report to sell magazine subscriptions.  A priority list can be created by utilizing the set of questions found on pages three and four of our Complete Guide to the College Admissions Process.  The list of undergraduate and graduate degree options include the following:

Bachelor Degree in Philosophy

A bachelor’s degree in philosophy is most often conferred as a Bachelor of Arts (BA).  Philosophy degrees online or in class can be earned from accredited colleges and universities around the country.  Bachelor degree programs are 4-year programs for full-time students and longer for part-time students based on course load and pace.  Online bachelor degrees in philosophy and their on-site counterpart blend general education courses such as communications, psychology, art, history, statistics, and creative writing with core classes.  Core classes in philosophy will vary from school to school but will generally include similar courses.  Classes may include: information literacy, cultural studies, literature, logic, world philosophy, symbolic language, ethics, epistemology, critical reasoning, metaphysics, and philosophical theories.

Master Degree in Philosophy

Master’s degrees in philosophy are 2-3 year programs for full-time students.  Online master’s degrees are conferred as a Master of Arts (MA) given the curricular design of the programs.  Students in a graduate degree in philosophy will typically have the opportunity to craft a series of elective classes after meeting the core course requirements.  Core courses will generally include upper-level classes in history of philosophy, critical thinking, ethics, philosophy of religion, theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind, modern language, metaphysics, science of philosophy, meaning & reference, theories of justice, international relations, political thought, moral psychology, normative ethics, law, punishment & responsibility, action theory, ethical theory, modern logic, and freedom & determinism.  The MA program will typically culminate with a capstone course and an advisor-approved thesis project.

Doctorate Degree in Philosophy

Doctorate degrees in philosophy are conferred as a PhD and found in the course catalog as a Doctor of Philosophy.  A PhD degree is considered a terminal degree in the academia world as there are no additional degrees beyond the doctorate degree.  Doctoral degrees in philosophy are research-latent program with curriculum that is typically created jointly by academic advisors and students.  PhD programs will take 3-5 years to complete on a full-time basis.   The culmination of a PhD degree in philosophy is the creation, writing, editing, and defending of a dissertation.  A dissertation is designed to help extend the knowledge-base in the field of study.

Career Outlook for Philosophers

A bachelor's degree in philosophy does not designate an individual as a philosopher, though it does prepare individuals for a variety of career opportunities and post-graduate studies. This is not to say a philosophy student cannot pursue higher level philosophy degrees, or a career in philosophy, but rather that most philosophy majors choose alternate education and career paths once they complete their bachelor's degree. A higher level degree in philosophy opens up teaching opportunities. Individual's pursuing post-graduate education can enter variety of fields, such as law, journalism, politics and medicine.

Careers available to a philosophy major include:

  • Business Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Public Relations
  • Advertising
  • Banking
  • Literary Editing

There is no average salary available for philosophy majors as the career options are highly varied. A degree in philosophy is considered one of the best in regards to a liberal arts education. The skills provided are invaluable in a multitude of fields. Students interested in a degree in philosophy may also wish to consider a degree in ethics, logic, and liberal arts. Outside academia, you can research the American Philosophical Association (APA) to learn more about the industry and vocational possibilities.

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