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What is Physics?

Physics is essentially the study of the myriad ways forms of matter interact with energy.  A theoretical physicist will focus on the origin of galaxies, planets, stars, and the universe.  Other specialists may emphasis specialized experimentation with cutting-edge technology.  Examples of technology used by physicists can include particle accelerators, laser, and electron microscopes.

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2025 Best Physics Programs

Harvard University’s Physics Department is known to have a large and active undergraduate program. The hallmark of their undergraduate program in Physics is its flexibility, in fact, 40-50% of their graduates proceed to a graduate school in physics or in a closely related field while others pursue a wide range of careers including law school, business school, medical school or as immediate employment. The Harvard department of Physics also offers graduate studies which provides innovative, educational and research opportunities with renowned faculty in state-of-the-art facilities. Students in this Department come from all over the world as well as in varied educational backgrounds. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Princeton University’s undergraduate degree in Physics has this ultimate goal: to push to ever deeper levels of understanding of the physical world at the same time push upward, extending the understanding to more complicated systems. Majors will not only learn about the structure of physical law; they will also take part in its discovery. The program will lend a hand through helping the students hone universally valuable skills, including methods of estimation and approximation, problem-solving, and reasoning inductively and from first principles. As a result, students will be expected to be able to build their own intuition for how the physical world works. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The overarching goal of the Physics degree program offered at Yale University is to train majors and nonmajors to think like physicists. Some of the hallmarks of this program includes, appreciating that quantitative analysis is essential for proper understanding, comparing experimental data from the natural world to theory, and striving for fundamental explanations which have broad predictive power. To that end, Yale offers courses for physics majors who intend to further their study of physics or any STEM field in graduate school, and also those physics majors who want to go into law, financial, consulting services, teaching, or any number of fields. There are two available majors in Physics: the BS and the BS intensive major. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Columbia University in the City of New York provides a Physics major that offers a rigorous preparation in the intellectual developments of modern physics. Additionally, it will allow an extensive exposure to the experimental and mathematical techniques needed to conduct basic and applied research in physics. The set of required courses offered for the majors are designed to prepare them for the most rigorous course of graduate study. They also offer physics concentrations for students who are interested in physics but are uncertain about graduate study in physics, or for those who just want to explore other subjects, who want to find a physics-related job after graduation, or who are considering a professional school like law or medicine. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The undergraduate degree in Physics at Brown University strives to help their students develop a deeper understanding of the key laws of physics and how to apply them in different settings. Students in this program tend to develop appreciation for the complementary roles that theory and experiment play in intellectual development of the field. Additionally, this program is also designed to strengthen their student’s ability to formulate a scientific question or problem. In the duration of the program, students will enhance their ability to communicate effectively. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


University of Pennsylvania is offering a Physics & Astronomy Major where the best faculty are the one teaching in the introductory program and all of the department’s major courses are taught by members of the faculty. They offer a number of opportunities for individual contact with the faculty. Additionally, the University of Pennsylvania also offers a BA program in Physics Business and Technology.   This undergraduate program provides extensive laboratory experience and is based on faculty strengths in Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Condensed Matter Physics. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


An undergraduate program in Physics is available at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The undergraduate curriculum for this program will permit students to acquire deep conceptual understanding of fundamental physics through its core requirements. There are two options offered to complete the degree, the Focus track or the Flexible Track. Either of these options will lead to the same degree, a Bachelor of Science in Physics

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Department of Physics at the University of Chicago offers an undergraduate major and minor in physics. The major includes a strong emphasis on experiment. It is designed to cover the broad fundamentals needed for graduate study in physics and in related fields. While the minor provides a slate of courses that gives a firm grounding in the basics with sufficient flexibility to accommodate both the needs and interests of those who are likely to pursue this line of study. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The mission of the undergraduate program in Physics at Stanford University is to provide a strong foundation in classical and modern physics. They aim to develop in their students the ability to analyze and interpret quantitative results not just in the core areas of physics but also in complex problems that cross multiple core areas. Students in this program will learn how to apply the principles of physics in solving new and unfamiliar problems. They will not leave the program without being able to use contemporary experimental apparatus and analysis tools to acquire, analyze and interpret scientific data. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Physics major offered at Dartmouth College is structured to provide students with a solid foundation in problem solving, analytic thinking, and the fundamentals of physics and astronomy. The introductory courses available here are offered in a number of levels. Students are allowed to begin a major even if they have never had any physics or astronomy before. Additionally, there are introductory sequences for students with advanced placement in math or in math and physics. There are separate majors in Astronomy, Physics and engineering Physics in this department. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Department of Physics at Duke University is known for their award-winning faculty and research. They offer nationally-recognized doctoral programs and undergraduate degrees in physics and biophysics. Their research focuses in 11 areas and it gives stress to the scientific challenges of the 21st century. Their faculty, students and other departments across the University are able to work closely in their faculty labs and research groups. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Physics Department at Bowdoin College strives to create excellent working and learning environments for all. Students in this department experience the joy of discovering how things happen and speculate why things are happening. Physics major teaches how to approach new problems confidently and apply appropriate methods to their solutions. Students also learn how to communicate the consequences of the applied solutions effectively. Not all students will become professional physicists, but they will surely be able to apply their problem-solving skills in any career. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Individuals who decided to pursue a training in physics at Amherst College are involved in a broad range of activities. Amherst established a curriculum which provides a solid background in the fundamentals of physics while allowing some flexibility. The core physics program that they offer provides a course of study for those who are interested in physics as a liberal art major or with career plans in diverse fields. There are also a number of upper-level electives that are designed to deepen the background of those students who intend to pursue careers in physics and in other closely related technical fields. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy at California Institute of Technology offers an undergraduate degree in Physics. It is designed to provide extensive training in the fundamentals of modern physics to make sure that their students have the foundation to pursue graduate study and careers in basic research. It also formed an excellent basis for future work in a number of applied fields. Majors are encouraged to become active participants in research on campus. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Pomona College invites you to take the physics major and study the fundamental properties of energy, matter and the universe while using some of the most advanced equipment available to undergraduate students. They developed an innovative curriculum that will let you explore topics ranging from “the six ideas that shaped physics” as well as the physics of music to general relativity and cosmology. One of the highlights of this undergraduate program is the incredible access to research-grade equipment that their students receive. In an aim to meet diverse interests, physics major includes multiple tracks: astrophysics, physics, astronomy, and Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Physics and Astronomy Department at The Swarthmore College focuses on teaching the concepts and methods which lead to an understanding of the fundamental laws that governs the physical universe. Their emphasis is placed on analytical and quantitative reasoning. They also give stress to laboratory work since physics and astronomy are both primarily experimental and observational sciences. This department provides opportunities for students to be involved in original research projects that are conducted by the members of the faculty, on campus. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Cornell University claims that their undergraduate degre in Physics is a gateway to your future. Their basis for this statement is that the degree you’ll gain will open the doors for employment with companies like Apple, careers in law, and research, and faculty positions across the globe. They paired their first-class research facilities with a congenial atmosphere to provide their students the best environment to learn theoretical and experimental physics. Additionally, they also offer a graduate degree in Physics that is multidisciplinary, broad, and congenial and gives access to superb facilities. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Northwestern University is offering an undergraduate major in Physics that is intended for prospective physics majors and minors as well as for those who want to learn physics in greater depth. They also have a degree program for the Master of Science in Physics designed for students who wish to obtain an advanced degree in physics, 88% of this program’s graduates were admitted into PhD programs. Moreover, a PhD degree is also available in this department. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Williams College proudly offers a strong undergraduate degree in physics. It provides a wide variety of courses which ranges from introductory surveys through advanced tutorial courses. During the tutorials, students meet two at a time with the professor and work on challenging problems. Graduates of this program do different interesting things after college, some pursued an advanced study in the sciences and engineering while others found employment in teaching, law, business, medicine, or in computer programming. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Physics degree at the University of Notre Dame is ranked in the top 10% of U.S. institutions. Students in this program are able to gain a broad understanding of physics. They also offer a Physics Graduate degree, what sets them apart is they provide research opportunities of a large university paired with the environment of a smaller, private university. They are so proud of the collaborative and supportive environment they are able to provide. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Rice University is offering a robust academic program that leads to a BS degree in Physics and a major concentration in General Physics.   This program provides a broad knowledge of fundamental concepts in mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. Those who completed this program were able to demonstrate proficiency in research techniques and methodology under the guidance of a faculty member. They also developed the ability to communicate scientific results in writing and oral presentations. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Vanderbilt University’s Department of Physics and Astronomy features a special combination of a friendly and supportive atmosphere of a liberal arts college with the excitement and challenge brought by forefront research. It offers undergraduate programs that consist of a focused physics education blended with a wealth of skills from the social sciences and humanities. Aside from an undergraduate program, they also offer a graduate program. Students in these programs are expected to actively engage in Departmental research programs which are supported by more than $6 million in external funding annually. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Department of Physics at Georgetown University is offering a B.S. and A.B. degrees in Physics, an A.B. degrees in Biological Physics and a minor in Physics. These undergraduate programs consist of a group of friendly and welcoming faculty and students that work together to comprehend the mysteries of the Universe. The department also offers a graduate study in Physics, a program that gives emphasis to innovation and practice. Students here are privileged to participate in research at an internationally-renowned institution and gain access to the state-of-the-art research and teaching facility which are both designed to promote interdisciplinary research and innovation. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


The Physics Department at Washington University in St Louis provides a collaborative environment to students with interests ranging from quantum information to evolution. It is known for its capability to provide undergraduates with valuable skills that is essential for a variety of future endeavors. Additionally, they also host fun physics events like experiment demo nights, panels on research, observatory parties, and graduate admissions. They aim to connect students with once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and lead a wide range of endeavors to make the department more inclusive. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


Johns Hopkins University offers undergraduate degrees structured for a wide range of future career goals. They guarantee that their department conducts an enormous amount of exciting research. They also offer a top-ranked graduate degree in Physics. Students in this program work in close collaboration with a world-renowned and award-winning physics and astronomy faculty whose research is global. 

Acceptance Rate


Student to Faculty Ratio


What Does a Physicist Do?

In a recent survey performed by the United States Department of Labor, a cadre of professional physicists provided insight into their jobs. The daily responsibilities will vary by geographic location, organization type, and are of specialty. However, the most popular job duties of a physicist include:

  1. Designing computer simulations to model physical data to better understand underlying elements at work
  2. Performing an array of complex calculations with computers as prescribed by the analysis and evaluation of data
  3. Reporting experimental data through white papers, in-person presentations, and scientific articles in specific scientific publications
  4. Describing and communicating observations & conclusions in mathematical terms based on data
  5. Analyzing data from research, surveys, and observation to accurately measure physical phenomena

Why Get a Degree in Physics?

A degree in physics signifies that individual has studied the mathematics and theory involved in understanding how the world works. Physics is the study of matter and motion through force and energy, it is the study of why things work the way they do. A degree in physics requires an understanding in a variety of sciences and a strong understanding of mathematics. Degrees in physics are available from the associate level onward, though most entry level positions will require at least a master's degree for consideration.

A curriculum in physics may include classes in:

  • Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Mechanics
  • Differential Equations

Employment Opportunities in Physics

A bachelor's degree in physics can be used to enter a variety of post-graduate programs. Students who wish to pursue higher levels of education in physics can pursue master and doctoral degrees. Physicists primarily occupy research positions at institutions for higher learning or government agencies. Often physicist will be given long term grants to conduct experiments for research resulting a long term job security. The barrier to entry for physics is large requiring a high level of education and skill. Pursuing a career in physics will most likely be done because an individual loves it.

How Much Do Physicist Make?

The median annual income for an physicist in the United States is $114,870 which equates to $55.23 per hour.  The expected job growth for astronomers is 7% in coming decade which is above the national average for all occupations during that time frame.

Where Do Physicist Work?

The bulk of physicists work at a college or university in a research or teaching capacity.  Other physicists find themselves employed in private research facilities, observatories such as NOAO, science museums, planetariums, laboratories, or government agencies.  A master’s degree or PhD in physicists is generally required to find employment within the field given the degree of specialty required.  The following areas of discipline are associated with professional physicists that may be worth considering as a vocation:

  • Plasma Physics
  • Atomic Physics
  • Molecular Physics
  • Optical Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Biological Physics
  • Materials Physics
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Polymer Physics Chemical Physics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Laser Science
  • Computational Physics
  • Particles and Fields
  • Physics of Beams
  • Condensed Matter Physics

States with the Highest Employment of Physicists

  1. Texas
  2. Arizona
  3. California
  4. Hawaii
  5. Massachusetts

Top Paying States for Physicists

  1. Maryland             $124,020
  2. Massachusetts    $123,760
  3. Hawaii                 $120,980
  4. California            $117,730
  5. Colorado              $112,550

Individuals interested in a degree in physics may also be interested in chemistry, biology, and mathematics.  Further research can be performed via national trade organizations and associations to learn more about this field of study.  Two of the most popular associations include the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Institute of Physics (AIP).  Both provide tools, research, and professional resources to help extend learning and careers of its members.

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