sponsored schools

Students looking to utilize a formal education to upskill in the nursing field will want to start by linking up with the best nursing schools in South Dakota. You can get matched by using a manually list of schools below or by leveraging technology tofilterschools with your own criteria. As you collect admissions information from colleges via MatchCollege, bear in mind the variables that matter to you most when selecting a college. Critical factors in your college search may include the schools proximity to your home, ability to learn online, campus life, degree offerings, and alumni assistance. After determining which university program is a good fit for you, you will need to select your area of concentration (RN,critical care nurse,family practice nurse, etc.) and degree level (associate, bachelor, master, doctorate). Fast forward to the second half of your degree program & the emphasis pivots to career preparation. Your ability to practicenursinghinges on your degree and passage of the NCLEX before obtaining alicenseto practice in South Dakota. Armed with the right information from the right nursing programs will help make your decision-making process less complicated and more efficient.

Browse Nursing Schools in South Dakota By Type

Top Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Programs in South Dakota By Number of Graduates

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) programs usually take 9 - 12 months to complete and you would have to pass a licensing exam prior to being licensed in the state. Schools listed below are sorted by the number of LPN program students enrolled.

Institution Name Location Programs Website Request Information
Southeast Technical Institute Sisseton, SD LPN
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Lake Area Technical Institute Rapid City, SD LPN
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Western Dakota Technical Institute Vermillion, SD LPN
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Mitchell Technical Institute Sioux Falls, SD LPN
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Sinte Gleska University Brookings, SD LPN
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Top Associate Level Registered Nurse (RN) Programs in South Dakota By Number of Graduates

The minimum degree requirement to become a Registered Nurse is to obtain an Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) or Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree, which usually takes about 2 years to complete. You would also have to pass the NCLEX-RN exam prior to being state licensed. Schools listed below are sorted by the number of students enrolled in the program.

Institution Name Location Programs Website Request Information
Southeast Technical Institute Sisseton, SD ADN-RN
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University of South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD ADN-RN
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Lake Area Technical Institute Rapid City, SD ADN-RN
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Oglala Lakota College Aberdeen, SD ADN-RN
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Top Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs in South Dakota By Number of Graduates

See the top schools offering a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. A BSN program usually takes 4 years to complete, and a licensing exam (NCLEX) is also required. Some of these schools may also offer a RN to BSN bridge programs. The top 10 schools listed below are sorted by the number of students enrolled in their BSN program.

Institution Name Location Programs Website Request Information
South Dakota State University Rapid City, SD BSN
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University of South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD BSN
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Presentation College Kyle, SD BSN
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Dakota Wesleyan University Madison, SD BSN
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University of Sioux Falls Mission, SD BSN
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Mount Marty College Mitchell, SD BSN
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National American University - Rapid City Yankton, SD BSN
National American University - Sioux Falls Rapid City, SD BSN
National American University - Rio Rancho Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD BSN

Top Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Programs in South Dakota By Number of Graduates

Getting your Master of Science in Nursing will take about 5-7 years from start to finish. You would still need to take a exam prior to being fully licensed to practice in the state. The schools listed below are sorted by the number of students enrolled in their Master's program.

Institution Name Location Programs Website Request Information
South Dakota State University Rapid City, SD MSN
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Nurse's in South dakota Compared to Median Income Averages

+66% Above State Median Income

+40% Above National Median Income

Nurse's in South dakota take home an average 27.00 per hour. Annual earnings for Nurse's working in the State of South dakota average $59,271 which is 66% above the state median income and 40% above the national median income for all occupations. Employment for a Nurse makes up just of the working population in South dakota and is limited due to the specific qualifications required along with the schooling involved in this career path. The increasing demand for qualified Nurses coupled with the educational barrier to enter the field is met with a steady supply of eager college graduates anxious to make a long-lasting impact in the lives of others in and around South dakota.

Average Income for a Nurse in South dakota

Employment Median Hourly Wage Median Annual Wage
South dakota Nurse 65,720 $27.00 $59,271
State Average 405,200.00 $16.26 $33,830.00
National Average 155,760,000.00 $19.33 $35,977.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
MEDIAN: $27.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NCES, O*NET Online

Graduate data is from the 2013-2014 school year.
IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

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