Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy – Hazleton

2900 NE 132nd Ave, Portland, OR

Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy - Hazleton provides beauty & cosmetology training for students located in and around Hazleton. Over 110 cosmetology students have attended and completed their schooling in the last few years with about 72% of those who start the program continue on to complete it. The cosmetology programs that may be offered at this location are:

To help students, Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy - Hazleton may offer services to students, like:

  • Counseling to help guide students through their career in cosmetology
  • Helping graduates find work

Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy - Hazleton has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 1981. Get more information by visiting the school's official website, where you can learn about admissions information, financial aid & tuition, and disclosures.

Programs Offered

The list below shows all the programs that may be offered at Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy – Hazleton. Actual programs may differ from the list below, to get an official list of programs offered please visit the school's website or by phone at (503) 256-3180.

Cosmetology program takes usually eleven months to complete. Students who complete this program may be eligible to pursue licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition estimate is $19,000*
  • The estimated cost of supplies that may be required is $1,900*
  • 15 students completed this program in the previous reported year
  • The length of the cosmetology program is usually 11 months

Read more and browse other schools listed by checking out our cosmetology schools profile page.

The barber program takes about ten months for most students to complete.

Program Details:

  • Tuition estimate is $19,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $2,000*
  • 19 students completed the barber program last year
  • Takes about 10 months to complete

The program takes about two months for most students to complete.

Program Details:

  • Tuition estimate is $2,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $1,300*
  • Takes about 2 months to complete

Cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program takes usually five months to complete. Students who complete this program may be eligible to pursue licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition estimate is $8,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $400*
  • Takes about 5 months to complete

*The posted costs for tuition, fees and supplies are determined through historical data and may not represent current costs.

**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimated to provide a comparative context. For more detailed information individuals are asked to contact the school.

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to Jolie Hair And Beauty Academy – Hazleton. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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