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Admissions Office

Financial Aid Office









Average Grants + Scholarship Aid Awarded to Undergraduate Students

Percent of Full-Time Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid

Percent of Students Paying In-State Tuition vs Out-of-State Tuition

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Allan Hancock College

555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Pky, Alameda, CA

Located in northern Santa Barbara County, Allan Hancock College is ranked one of the top 120 community colleges across the United States.

AHC is known for many accomplishments; however, one of its biggest draws is the athletic program. The program offers football, basketball, soccer, track and field, and several others. Allan Hancock College offer over 100 areas of study, with a great support system in place for its students.

The Santa Maria campus is settled over 100 plus acres of beautiful landscape, and it is fully modernized with state of the art technology. There are over 12,000 students enrolled at AHC.

AHC offers opportunities for those who wish to begin a bachelor's degree, an associate degree, prepare for a career or upgrade their skills. Allan Hancock College is well known for its professional theatre program, and English as a second language.

Allan Hancock College has a University Transfer Center (UTC), were students can participate in the TAG program (Transfer Admission Guarantee). Guaranteed transfers include:

  • UC Santa Barbara
  • UC San Diego
  • UC Riverside
  • UC Davis

For more information on TAG or participating colleges and universities please follow the link.

Tuition and fees at AHC include:

  • Resident tuition - $46 per unit
  • Non-resident tuition, including international students - $190 per unit, plus the resident tuition fee of $46

There are additional fees for health, student ID cards, parking and student center fees – for more information on all fees and exemptions please follow the link.

AHC provides assistance for students in need of financial aid. Those wishing to apply for aid can do so for free by filling out the FAFSA form online. Other options for financial aid include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal work study, Cal Grant and scholarships. More information

Admission Requirements & Details

The admissions information below may provide a better idea of the candidates Allan Hancock College accepts. The details may include application requirements and recommendations, as well as any AP or college credits that may be transferred.

College Credits Accepted

  • Dual Credits
  • AP Course Credits

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The average "out of pocket" cost of attendance, after any grants and scholarships are considered, is around $5,300. In order to calculate a more accurate and detailed cost of attendance check out their cost calculator here. The figures listed below are for informational purposes only and do not represent current or future tuition, fees, and expenses.

Tuition & Fees Information

  • Tuition estimates per year:
    • State Residents: $1,300-$1,500
    • Out-of-State: $7,400-$8,928
  • Part-time students are charged:
    • In-State: $46-$55 per unit
    • Out-of-State: $260-$310 per unit

Financial Aid Details

The information below lists the financial aid types students are receiving. Also shown are the percent of students receiving aid and the average amount of aid per student per year.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid86%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships84%$5,298
Receiving Student Loans1%$3,878
accrediation - SELECT Campus_Name, Campus_IPEDS_UnitID, Agency_Name,clean_program_name as Program_Name,Accreditation_Type,Accreditation_Status,Accreditation_Date_Type,Periods,cipcode,entity_id FROM `college_accreditations_2015` ca left join `college_accreditations_program_names` capn on capn.program_name = ca.Program_Name WHERE `entity_id` = '108807' AND `Last Action` = ''

Academics & Student Services

Student Services

To help support students, Allan Hancock College may offer services to students including:

  • Distance learning
  • Night and weekend classes available
  • Remedial courses
  • Academic counseling for students
  • Employing students to lower education costs
  • Assisting students to find work
  • Day care
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Programs Offered

The program list below is organized by areas of study. The programs that have a link will direct you to the program's profile page where you can learn more about education requirements and career pathways.

Get More Information

Get more information about the programs offered by Allan Hancock College by clicking the request information to the right.

(C) Certificate or Award | (A) Associate's | (B) Bachelor's | (M) Master's Degree | (D) Doctorate (PhD,...)

  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences

  • English Language and Literature

  • Mathematics and Statistics

Other Community Colleges

The list of schools below have been selected by researching which schools offer similar programs to Allan Hancock College.

Also, check out our college lists below, which can help students compare schools to one another:

Contact Information

General Contact

Admissions Office

Financial Aid Office