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What is Child Development?

Child development is an area of study that deals with the development and education of children from an early age.  Individuals with a child development degree online in this field are qualified to pursue teaching positions, with higher levels of education allowing for research and development positions.

Children's development involves the use of various sciences and methods to best affect the growth and education of children.  Empirical evidence and direct observation can be useful tools to assess learning efficacy.  For child development researchers, they seek to better understand children and information processing given various stimuli.  The end goal of research is to create tools, products, and curriculum that help children grow and learn effectively.

Popular Child Development Theorists

Popular child development theorists include Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Maria Montessori, Mary Ainsworth, Howard Gardner, Sigmund Freud, Arnold Gesell, Erik Ericson, John Watson, B.F. Skinner, Noam Chomsky, and Uri Bronfenbrenner.  Each theorist has their own unique view of child development and the reasoning behind behavior and development in the early stages of life.  We will take a peek at a popular theorist and their proposed stages of child development.

Career Summary







Degree Median Salary vs Adjacent Degree Types

Source: BLS, US Census, and IPEDS

2025 Best Child Development Degree

If you wish to take the Child Development major in Vanderbilt University, you have to acknowledge that this is not just about a study on children, this means learning about their family, cultural, peer, school and neighborhood in which they live. The 30-hour major is a big help in this area since it provides a strong background in the social and behavioral sciences. It particularly focuses on understanding the scientific study of the biological, cognitive and social development of young human beings. Another good thing in this major is that it offers an appropriate complementary major for undergraduate students that is simultaneously pursuing a major in Cognitive studies. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Tufts University provides students not only with a strong theoretical foundation in child development but also in an area of specialization. It will help you gain research skills and applied opportunities and fieldwork that will prepare you for a career that directly impacts the lives of children, youth and families. Their program’s priority is to train students to use applied work to understand theory and research and at the same time discern how theory and research should impact the lives of children and families. When the first semester in the program ends, students can choose whether they want to pursue the applied track or the thesis track. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Child Development Education degree programs at the University of Virginia makes a positive impact on their students. They aim to develop early childhood teachers that can contribute in shaping young lives. They instill in them the love of lifelong learning. The School of Education and Human development in this University, teaches specific skills that are essential in guiding and supporting young minds.

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Courses in BS in Child Development at Boston University are carefully designed to build up one another and to make way for theory along with practice. Field experiences are included in each year of the program which usually starts with a placement in a local public school. They facilitate a preschool program which employs innovative and inquiry-based approaches to the curriculum’s design. Students can also implement plans under the guidance and support of faculty and teachers.

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Student to Faculty Ratio


University of Rochester offers programs that prepare Early Childhood Educators. These teacher preparation programs are the shortest path to NYS initial as well as to professional teaching certification. These offered programs guarantee a 50% tuition scholarship. Their graduates became innovative early childhood educators that are always willing to help their students grow.

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Santa Clara University’s Child Development degree offers a whole person’ approach with children. They teach their students to do their best to gain depth knowledge of each child they teach in the contexts of school and family. Students will receive opportunities to join research teams and promote social justice. They will also concentrate on the study of mindfulness with children. 

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University of Georgia offers qualifying students access to the top-rated Human Development and Family Science major.  The program can be taken as either an undergraduate degree or graduate degree program.  In addition to offering a highly regarded degree program, students and faculty are part of community outreach programs and research to benefit those outside the walls of UGA.  Programs offered by the university include parent outreach, planning programs, partnering with families, and aligning resources with local hospitals. 

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Ozarks College is dedicated to encouraging academic, Christian, cultural, and patriotic growth in their students. They claim that their faculty members are men and women who are expert on their field and deeply committed to Jesus Christ. Throughout their educational journeys at the college, they consistently take their privilege to teach and mentor seriously. The child development studies major at Ozarks provides the students with a broad-based understanding of children from the context of development, nutrition, education and many more.

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The Child Development major at University of La Verne will expose you to all details of a child’s growth. They’ll teach you about a child's development, their sensory and motor skills and in addition to that, you’ll discern the child's social and intellectual progression.  ULV’s program serves a high-quality education, incorporating the standards of the National Association of Young Children. Their program is considered a leader in educating students in the dynamic integration of theory, research and practice in early childhood education. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


Child and Development and Psychology is one of the majors that lies under the psychology program at Bennington College. In which the goal of providing an intellectually challenging, developmentally appropriate educational program is met. The Bennington Childhood Development Center proudly offers a program that is designed to encourage each child to develop as an individual or as part of a group. Exploration, emotional security and positive social interaction are also fostered here. 

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When you started college, you started to pick what path to take in your future. Some of the youths today aren't really sure about what they really want to do in life. Whittier College allows the students to explore their options on being an advocate for children, so that they’ll know if this is what they really want. While teaching, Students will be given the chance to get exposed to children with diverse communities, and afterwards, many realize where they really want to begin their career. Whittier College has a program that is called “Jumpstart”, which serves preschool children in local low-income schools. That experience has influenced many to think about how else they could extend their hand to those children who badly need help. The Graduates at Whittier learned from their programs that it’s up to them, as individuals, to make a difference. 

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The early years are for learning, that will only be possible in a academically rich and developmentally appropriate environment, which the Howard University, School of Education Early Learning provides. It will allow young children the opportunity to enhance their cognitive, emotional and physical growth. The atmosphere has an impact on their positive self-concept, identity, confidence and independence. Optimal growth and development of young children through a climate that fosters respect of cultural diversity and a learning environment that utilizes an electric approach to education is what they strongly believe at Howard. 

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Child Development students at Michigan State University will be given the chance to gain practical experience while working with children by first observing, then culminating with a semester of student teaching after planning activities.  Their labs that provide a multicultural experience for students and children and families are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The students under this degree program can have the opportunity to earn an elementary education teaching certificate through the nation’s top-ranked College of Education teacher preparation program. Students can also complete the State of Michigan-approved preschool teaching concentration, and students are allowed to choose which concentration they prefer to take at MSU. 

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Student to Faculty Ratio


A highly competitive BS in Child Development major is offered at Harding University. The program of this major aims to provide both the content knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the teaching profession. Their graduates demonstrated responsible workplace attitude and professionalism. Harding requires all of their majors to complete 53 hours of Liberal Arts Studies.

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A Bachelor of Science degree in Child Development is available at Olivet Nazarene University. This degree program is designed for students who love to work with children outside of a classroom setting. They offer a holistic approach to child studies. Here, students will learn how to plan and design activities suited for young children.

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Fresno Pacific University offers a program for Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Development. This program can be taken face-to-face or fully online. The Cohorts groups are required to meet one night per week. They reached a record of 12-24 Cohort adults who progress together through the program.  Learn more about this exciting academic degree program at Fresno Pacific University today by connecting with the admissions team.

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All students at Meredith College taking Child Development will complete an advanced practicum or student teaching internship prior to graduation. That is because their programs will allow you to observe and work with young children. They have an on-site infant toddler program where the students have the opportunity to observe or even be hired as work-study students. Physical, social, linguistic and intellectual development of children are just some of the things that the students benefiting from their program will learn. 

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In your journey at PLNU, while earning a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development, you’ll get the chance to explore the ways children grow. You will be able to form relationships on a physical, emotional and intellectual scale. Their program can help you be mentally and emotionally ready to serve children, adolescents, and families in numerous vocations. You will be guided with a deep understanding of family systems, and child intervention programs. 

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Students who want to develop knowledge and skills that are needed for careers working with children and families in a wide variety setting but do not prefer to become classroom teachers, undergraduate educational studies major is the one for you. In this major you’ll be guided to develop skills that are valued in the workforce. You’’ gain deep knowledge about developing children, the needs of young children and special needs children. This program will teach you about planning and organization and a strong emphasis on collaboration and of course, community involvement. You’ll possess expertise in child development and understanding special needs children.

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The Child Development Program must be a balanced blend of academic studies along with practical experiences, that will prepare the students for working with developing children in a sensitive and professional manner. That is what Franciscan University provides. Additionally, their students can also earn a degree in child development, upon successful completion of application to the Teacher Education program as an education major, the applicant is now qualified for the state licensure in teaching at the Pre-K through third grade levels, with the endorsement at grade 4 and 5. This means that their program leads to an associate of arts degree in child development. 

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University of Mobile offers a non-certification program in Bachelor of Science in Child & Social Development. Courses that train graduates for careers in social, hospitals or non-profit organizations, or community services. Some of these courses are, Early Numeracy, Working with Parents, Advanced Composition, and Teaching the Young Child. Some of the Minor Courses are, Foundations of Education, Introduction to Exceptional Children, and Human Growth and Development.

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Oklahoma State University offers an online degree in Early Child Care and Development. This is designed to prepare students in promoting positive development for young children in a wide range of work settings. Students admitted in the program are usually working professionals. This is also for advancement seekers, career changers or for those who want to enroll part-or full-time.

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At CMU, you’ll explore the growth and development of children from birth through adolescence in the context of families and communities under their child development program. In this applied professional program, students are prepared to work with children and youth in a variety of settings shortly after graduation. Central Michigan University will prepare their students for both graduate-level licensures and certification programs in health and counseling related films. CMU is at the forefront of teacher preparation and human services programs, they promise that here, you’ll learn, inspire and enhance the world.

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Aquinas College offers a major and minor in Child Development Education. Some of the courses included in the Major are, Infant and Toddler Education, Emergent Literacy, and Inclusion. While some of the Minor courses are Early Intervention, Early Childhood Administration, and Early Childhood Education Practicum. The complete details can be checked via the school’s website or by directly connecting with the admissions team at Aquinas College.

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Teacher preparation programs at the baccalaureate and master’s degree level which is approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education is just one of the good things that Bluffton University provides. That is designed for students wishing to teach in elementary education programs but students may also complete requirements for intervention specialist licensure which is needed to be qualified as a specialist for children with mild to moderate disabilities. It is also possible for students to minor Education Studies while majoring outside the education department. This privilege is designed for students who are interested in working with children with disabilities even as a service. 

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Jean Piaget’s Stages of Development

Piaget is one of the most popular and influential child development theorists in the last century. He postulated that children pass through four stages in life from infancy through adulthood. Jean Piaget coined the phrase meta-cognition which is the study of how we learn and built his theories around observations of normally developing infants, young teenagers, and adults. A brief overview of the four stages of his developmental theory include:

  1. Sensorimotor The sensorimotor phase is a period of development from birth through around two-years of age. This phase is punctuated by experimentation, trial & error, and learning by doing.
  2. Preoperational This phase of development lasts around five years during toddlerhood from age two through around seven years of age. This is the phase where development formalizes and children begin to: think symbolically, language advances, memory is evident, imagination is flourishing, and thinking is rooted in intuition.
  3. Concrete Operational The concrete operational stage of development is encountered from seven through eleven years of age underscored by more logical reasoning. Children become less ego-centric and are more aware of external stimuli.
  4. Formal Operational The final phase of children's development is from young teen through adulthood where the logical use of symbols is used to represent abstract concepts. Young adults also formalize the scientific method whereby multiple variants are used in tandem, hypotheses are created, and results are projected.

Children Development Complexities

The notion of a linear development path for any child is simply not realistic. Learning happens in spikes, followed by a plateau and rarely ever a smooth linear curve that can be graphed or charted with precision.

The field of child development gets more and more complex with additional variables. Consider the following variables that make child development less formulaic and more of a deep science: cognition, genetics, physical, family, culture, language, environment, education, emotional, social, moral, intellectual, and spiritual factors.

Variation in any one of the aforementioned developmental factors can nominally or significantly affect the development of a child.

How Do I Become a Child Development Specialist?

To enter the child development field as an administrator or teacher, you must understand the following steps. Akin to other professions, you need to invest in your education, add valuable knowledge, and skills to become proficient in your trade.

The following steps outline the process to help you better move confidently towards your goal as a child development programs specialist.

1. Research Early Child Development Programs

To begin your journey in child development, locating an applicable degree is at the forefront. A college degree will be required regardless of your path as a child development specialist, administrator, or teacher. Digital libraries such as MatchCollege help you manually location viable degrees. Alternatively, we have created tools to help you automate your degree search with our proprietary matching portal.

2. Apply to an Accredited College

After creating a short list of colleges offering child development degrees, you will need to complete your school application. Online child development degree programs may be a viable option to help you achieve your goals if you are currently working or prefer the flexibility of learning online.

You application should clearly illustrate your passion for children and all work experience. Including volunteer positions and summer camps helps admissions officers garner a complete picture of how you invest your time. This extra step will help alleviate additional questions and help propel you forward in a competitive academic arena.

3. Attend College & Begin Your Classes

After gaining admissions, you will need to complete orientation and register for child development classes after meeting with a school counselor. Whether you are applying for a certificate in child development, associate degree, bachelors degree, or graduate degree in child development you will need to remain focused and organized to make the most of the opportunity.

4. Graduate, Exams, Licensure, Certification, & Work

After earning your certificate or degree in child development from an accredited college or university, you will be required by your state of residence to obtain a clear background check, TB test, and fingerprinting prior to beginning work in a licensed early childhood facility or school setting. Once all state-based tests and requirements are met, you can apply for jobs in a licensed school that fits your teaching style and pedagogy preference.

Top Degrees in Child Development

There are a wide range of degree, certificate, and diploma programs to select from within child development. Before deciding on a program, you should create a list of priorities for you to help guide your educational objectives and career goals including reading our book: Complete Guide to the College Admissions Process.

With the knowledge and tools to make a quality decision about your future, you will be equipped to launch a career in child development and positively impact a generation of children.

Child Development Certificates Online

An undergraduate certificate program and diploma program in child development are designed to provide you with the essentials of child development. A certificate or CDA will help you gain access to entry-level positions in the field.

Graduate certificates are also available for qualified students to be used as tools for lifelong learners to upskill and expand your professional trajectory. Graduate certificates can be earned in a number of different disciplines of child development from childhood literacy, curriculum & design, preschool, and childhood development to name a few.

Child Development Associate Degrees

The online associate degree track is a 2-year degree-granting program created to provide students with core child development classes plus general education classes like English, math, philosophy, and psychology to help students process information about the world around them in a more holistic manner.

Core curriculum in child development will typically expose students to classes like the fundamentals of early childhood education, learning theory, portfolio development, classroom management, educational philosophy, principles of education, and childhood psychology studies.

By earning an associate degree, online or in-class, your will be ready to launch a career in a number of work settings such as schools, administrative centers, churches, homeschooling centers, preschools, or tutoring centers in the public or private sectors.

Online Child Development Bachelor Degree

Online bachelor degree in child development extends the curriculum wider and deeper in a 4-year program. By enrolling in a Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) program in child development will have the opportunity to learn about liberal arts curriculum such as English composition, human biology, speech communication, history, math, and physics.

On the other hand, core child development bachelor courses will often teach students the intricacies of educational philosophy, educational philosophy, classroom management, childhood psychology, portfolio management, learning theory, principles of education, and exceptional child. Bachelor students will have the opportunity to perform substantive student teaching under the tutelage of a certified teacher in a public or private school setting. On campus or online bachelor degree students will have ample hands-on learning to ensure academics and practical experience are deeply linked.

Child Development Master’s Degrees

The track of an online masters degree in child development can be completed in 1-2 years after all lower-level classes are completed. Students enrolled in a masters degree may enroll in upper-level courses to help better understand early learning research modalities, curricular design, child behavior, classroom supervision, leadership, and a capstone course in child development.

Masters degree programs in child development are geared to help students prepare for administrative, leadership, and management positions. You may elect to work in a management for a state-agency supporting child development centers or an education director at a preschool, graduates will be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to make an impact in the lives of children of all abilities.

Doctorate Degrees in ECE

Doctorate degree programs in child development can be a PhD, Educational Specialist (EdS), or Director of Education (EdD) granting degree program. All of these are known as terminal degrees as they are the final type of degree to be conferred within child development with no degrees above.

Online doctorate degrees in child development will take students three to five years to complete after meeting all lower-level requirements and dependent on the number of courses taken at a time and school requirements. Many accredited colleges and universities allow doctoral students to select an area of specialty such as special education, secondary education, educational leadership, curriculum & instruction, elementary education, early learning, or middle grades.

Each track is typically culminated with a substantive dissertation where students invest a large portion of time to prepare, organize, write, and defend an original research document in child development.

Child Development Programs

A child development degree online offers individuals the opportunity to study and work with children from birth until adolescence. Child development asks that an individual be able to identify developmental issues and intervene, work well with children and understand how social and familial background can affect a child's development.

Degrees are available starting at the associate level, with higher level degrees opening up more career opportunities. Individuals studying child development will work closely with children, and as such must learn the proper methods for dealing with them Qualities such as patience, understanding, and compassion are highly sought after among child development graduates. Those pursuing a child development major will take courses in:

Individuals looking for child development schools will usually find programs available at a community college, vocational college, trade school, or a private career institution. Each will offer various degrees and certificates based on demand and internal resources.

Individuals looking to obtain higher level degrees will have to apply to a four-year institution with a child development program. It is important to note that the program at a four-year institution may have another name, and thus research will be important to find the right school.

Employment in Children Development

Graduates with an associate degree can begin working as a teacher, in daycare, at churches, or private schools. Those with higher level degrees can pursue work in public education institutions, research and social work, or in more commercial fields such as toy development and marketing.

Child development requires individuals to understand the motivations and behaviors of children. As there is no lack of need for child specialists, the opportunities for child development specialists are expected to be high.

Child development is an expansive field, filled with options for graduates. Research positions will have higher level degree holders conducting studies and observing behaviors of children. Such positions are more limited in their availability, due to the limited amount of funding and positions open. Individuals pursuing graduate level degrees for the purposes of research and development should be able to find work due to the limited competition.

Childhood Development Careers

The average income of a child development degree holder varies wildly based on career choice, education and specialization. Positions in research and development will typically be more lucrative than other positions. Salaries can average between $36,000 to $66,000 dollars per year according to the BLS.

Outlook in child development reveal jobs growing above the national average.  With an expected lift of 7% in this industry, over 84,000 new jobs will be created in childcare over the next decade.  States employing the most child development majors include California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

Child Development Resources

For individuals looking to work with children in a different capacity consider a child care degree, family and community services degree or a family systems degree.  Both the NACD (National Association for Childhood Development) and the Association for Early Learning Leaders (AELL) provide students and working professionals with tools, resources, and opportunities for professional growth.  Organizations such as these can help connect you with other professionals and add credibility to a resume for both new and seasoned individuals.

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